Unrivalled Instructional support

The key of digital skills learning stands at the pinnacle of the schoolroom. That’s why codeNbeyond mission is to empower the teachers to impart digital skills regardless of their expertise or subject focus.

The Future Of Work Is Digital

Digital Skills Education For Schools

Not everybody is going to be a computer programmer, however everybody will require digital skills– they’re  similar to reading and writing, and addition and subtraction



Designed To Overcome Challenges

School students will require digital skills for their futures, however there are numerous challenges to teaching digital skills. CodeNBeyond overcomes those challenges by providing the tools, resources, and training educators need to make digital skills possible.


Your Challenges Are Our Challenges

Talk To US About Your Challenges

Not A Product; A Partner


As a strategic partner they begin to gain confidence, strengthen, and run a technology, digital skills, and coding education initiative.


Fully supported with a web learning tool, curriculum, training, and training that enables them to show digital skill.


Develop crucial digital skills. They learn strong, analytic, and soft skills along take part actual-world projects that prepare them for careers and life.

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We Support You Every Step Of The Way

Professional Development

Regardless of their previous experience with digital skills, our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) licensed coaching prepares academics to steer a technology program. All academics become “coders” and start their own project portfolio.

Scaffolded Platform

Codenbeyond online provides the tools they need. Our totally resourced course includes lesson plans, presentation slides, answer keys, rubrics, and more. Access live chat for technical and tutorial support.

Ongoing Coaching

Implement, learn, adjust, advance, and repeat. We don’t restrict PDhere, our coaches assist teachers augment their digital skills and foster a sustainable improving learning environment.

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Accredited Professional Development

Our skilled development coaching has been relied on by various knowledgeable proficient and unproficient teachers and has received accreditation with the CPD Continuing Professional Development Standards Office.


Our Customer Have Spoken

BSD has a Net Promoter Score of +74.

NPS is the leading metric to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The score is determined by the willingness of customers to recommend a company’s products and services to others. BSD’s unrivaled support through professional development, access to live chat, and ongoing coaching has contributed to this excellent NPS score. In fact, the average NPS score is +32 based on the ratings from more than 200,000 companies across different industries (Satmetrix NICE 2020 Industry Benchmark).

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